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A Morning of Pilates with Julie Driver Sunday 15th July 10-1pm Aquamanda Spa, Hempstead

10-10.55 Small Circle - Big Magic

The magic circle is more than just something to give your client to hold.This small piece of apparatus is an integral part of Mr Pilates original work and can be used to help you find the connections to your body and the exercises. The Magic circle is a fantastic tool for deepening the work.

11-1pm Standing Pilates ( Feet To Seat)

One of the biggest milestones in modern man’s evolution was making the transition to walking upright.Notwithstanding the constant effect of gravity, little did Homo erectus realize that in millennia to come changing lifestyles and advances in technological would impact this vertical alignment.Using the transferable skills from Matwork for everyday functional living, this 2-hour workshop will look at ways to help us offset these natural and lifestyle challenges to our posture

Julie Driver

Julie believes passionately in the power of Pilates. She has been teaching for over 18 years both in the UK and also internationally.

Her own experience of rehabilitation after serious injury deepened her commitment to continue studying. She considers herself an eternal student and continues her own education with weekly 1-1s and studying regularly with her own mentors.

A ski accident in 2008 resulted in serious damage to her left leg. Surgeons predicted a yearlong recovery and a permanent limp. Using the expert guidance of her teachers, complemented by her own knowledge of Pilates and the apparatus, Julie was

walking unaided and without a limp within less than 9 months.

By 2014 Julie had won the prestigious international ‘Pilates Anytime Instructor of the year” competition and continues to record online classes for them as a returning visiting Instructor.

With a lifelong passion for equine studies, Julie considers that Pilates is the perfect way for riders to improve their technique and create a stronger relationship with their horse.

Recently Julie has published a series of three articles for ‘Horse and Rider” and “Intelligent Horsemanship’ and had the honour of being invited to record classes for the Monty Roberts online Equus University. Having worked with Monty Roberts and his team since 2003, she is also studying towards her final exams for Monty Roberts ‘Certificate of Horsemanship”

Julie is a Body Control and PMA certified instructor. You can also watch this video and learn more about Julie Driver here:

To book please contact Dee Matthews @ or on 07935 947581. Workshop fee's are £120 for 3 hours. The mat class can be booked individually if there are spaces available.

Photo: Claire Crogan Photography and Pilates Anytime

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2019 Class Timetable
Tuesday 7.20pm Matwork
Wednesday 8.30pm Adv Mat
Thursday 7pm Matwork
Friday 9am Duet Reformer
Friday 9.45 Fitness Ball Pilates
Saturday 9.45am Matwork
Saturday 11am Studio
Saturday 12.15 Pregnancy Pilates

Book your pilates classes here

  • Sign up online at gymsync

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  • Contact 07935 947581

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