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Hypermobility "Keeping it in the box" with Mary Thornton
Sunday 18th September
10.30-13.30 at Aquamanda Spa
Bapchild, Kent ME9 9PP

Mary will be presenting a theory and practical based workshop combining Physiotherapy and modified Pilates methods to examine the pathology of hypermobility in its many spectrums. By looking at the muscular skeletal dysfunctions, we will explore and understand the importance of correct cueing and handling techniques to facilitate the myofascial lines of the lower limb and their relevance on function. The outcome of the workshop is that the teacher will be able to identify the dysfunction and devise a safe and effective movement programme to re educate gait & pelvic stability in the hypermobile client as well as exploring the benefits of breath control to release tension and manage pain.
Duration:3 hours Cost; £60. Lunch and Networking after.

Pilates CPD Workshops for Teachers in Kent


Pilates CPD workshops in kent was set up in aim to bring more workshops and cpd opportunties to teachers in kent, to save time, money and travelling costs! Here are some workshops we have hosted and our up coming classes and workshops for 2017!


2019 Class Timetable
Tuesday 7.20pm Matwork
Wednesday 8.30pm Adv Mat
Thursday 7pm Matwork
Friday 9am Duet Reformer
Friday 9.45 Fitness Ball Pilates
Saturday 9.45am Matwork
Saturday 11am Studio
Saturday 12.15 Pregnancy Pilates

Book your pilates classes here

  • Sign up online at gymsync

  • Download the booking app

  • Contact 07935 947581

  • Complete and return our health questionnaire

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