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  • Privacy Policy

  • We take your privacy seriously and are committed to protecting your privacy. Any information you give us is used exclusively by Your Body Pilates Only. We do not share any personal information with any third parties, rent, sell, disclose or distribute your information to any outside parties.

  • When you join our classes or book our services the information we collect is used to contact you regarding your bookings via email, mobile, landline and address. We require everyone to fill in an enrolment form.  It also asks you to agree to a list of terms and conditions as well as asks you to providing medical information and emergency contacts. This helps us to determine the suitability to your classes and our services. Occasionally we made need to contact your GP or other health professional. This is done with your permission and you are entitled to see this correspondence. It is important that you keep us up to date with your health or medical conditions. All enrolment forms are kept under lock and key or via a secure email account. Other teachers that work for Your Body Pilates do not have access to your private details and enrolment forms.

  • We use to manage your class bookings. To view their privacy policy, please click here.

  • Our email system is mailchimp. You can unsubscribe from these emails at any time by using the link at the bottom of each email.

2019 Class Timetable
Tuesday 7.20pm Matwork
Wednesday 8.30pm Adv Mat
Thursday 7pm Matwork
Friday 9am Duet Reformer
Friday 9.45 Fitness Ball Pilates
Saturday 9.45am Matwork
Saturday 11am Studio
Saturday 12.15 Pregnancy Pilates

Book your pilates classes here

  • Sign up online at gymsync

  • Download the booking app

  • Contact 07935 947581

  • Complete and return our health questionnaire

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